Music Player

The songs on this page are what I consider to be my personal 10/10 songs that I never skip.

This is a more amateur-ish page on the website, but whatever. I'm just having fun right now.

I'm a big fan of music. I'm surprised that some people aren't. My taste is kinda varied, though, and I like having music to listen to, so here's this page that I made with some music on it so I can listen to music through my website during class n stuff when I can't log into Spotify or whatever.

I'm tryna work on it. I don't like streaming services as much as the next gal, but I have over 11k tracks saved on my Spotify account and it's kinda impossible to sort through all of that without getting tired. I'll stop eventually. I'm tryna get into .MP3 players and mixtapes and stuff, and I already collect CDs.

[Will provide photo later]


Please send me an e-mail ( if you have any song recommendations for me!